Dairy Info Day

13th Annual Dairy Info Day - February 27, 2024

Dairy Info Day Proceedings


Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility Report – Jensen Jean, Interim Manager


Profitable management approaches for dairy farming – Dr. Gordie Jones 

Carbon credits for the dairy industry – Dr. Cameron Olson

Faba beans as a home-grown bypass protein – Dr. Maria Rodriguez Espinosa 

Importance of pellet starch and amount of pellet in a robot – Sophia Donde 

Chemical treatment to increase forage digestibility – Casey Bradford

Barriers and opportunities in controlling Johne's Disease - Dr. Antonio Facciuolo


12th Annual Dairy Info Day - March 2, 2023

Dairy Info Day Proceedings


  1. Colostrum as therapeutic ingredient for calves – Dr. David Renaud, University of Guelph
  2. Opportunity with beef x dairy calves - Aaron Van Steekelenburg and David Christensen, University of Saskatchewan
  3. Silage barley and oat varieties - Christine Leach and Tim Mutsvangwa, University of Saskatchewan
  4. The SaskMilk Salmonella Dublin surveillance project - Dr. Chris Luby, University of Saskachewan


9th Annual Dairy Info Day - January 22, 2020

Dairy Info Day Proceedings


  1. Rayner Operations – Jay Olyniuk, Manager, Rayner Dairy Facility


  1. CAP program opportunities
  2. Cow Comfort-Not just for Farmers
  3. Dietary Inclusion of Whole Crop Faba Bean Silage in Dairy Cattle - Performance Results
  4. Nutritional Management Strategies for SK and MB Farms with Automatic Milking Systems
  5. Reducing the Prevalence of Enteric & Respiratory Disease in Dairy Calves
  6. Reproductive Management in Dairy Cows
  7. Salmonella dublin a Provincially Notifiable Disease
  8. Salmonella dublin in Dairy Cattle
  9. Transient Low Feed Intake- A Major Risk for Ruminal Acidosis



8th Annual Dairy Info Day - January 24, 2019

Dairy Info Day Proceedings


  1. Dairy Advisory Board – Jack Ford
  2. Rayner Operations – Jay Olyniuk, Manager, Rayner Dairy Facility


  1. Considerations in barn design to optimize cow behaviour and comfort - Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph
  2. Genetic improvement of alfalfa - Bill Biligetu, Plant Sciences
  3. Better treatment option for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) - Jian Yang and Meena Sakharkar, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
  4. Undergraduate thesis project: An update on flax seed and meal for use in dairy cow diets - Maddy Lazurko
  5. Undergraduate thesis project: Bovine leukemia virus, the tip of the iceberg - Miriam Ter Borgh
  6. Salmonella dublin update - Chris Luby, WCVM
  7. Optimizing feeding management of dairy cows - Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph
  8. Whole crop faba bean plant as silage for ruminants - PhD candidate Víctor Hugo Guevara Oquendo
  9. Opportunity starch sources for dairy diets - Rex Newkirk
  10. Optimum inclusion levels for camelina meal in dairy cow diets - Tim Mutsvangwa


7th Annual Dairy Info Day - January 25, 2018

Dairy Info Day Proceedings

Survey on NDFD of barley for silage - Nair, J., Christensen, D., Yu, P., Beattie, A. D., McAllister, T., Damiran, D., Preston, N., Fuhr, L. and McKinnon, J. J.
Stage of maturity at harvest and NDFD - Jayakrishnan Nair
How to determine the stage of maturity - Leland Fuhr
Enzymes in TMR - Basim Refat and Peiqiang Yu
Canola meal calf starters - Katarzyna Burakowska, P. Górka, G. B. Penner
Novel feed pellets and carinata - Víctor Guevara and Peiqiang Yu
Oat type and processing - L.L. Prates and Peiqiang Yu
Palmitic Acid of Interest dairy producers and processors - David Christensen and Bernard Laarveld
Do we Know the Cost of milk production in 2017 - David Christensen
Robot feeding management - Silvia Menajovsky, Keshia Paddick, and Dr. Greg Penner
         Feeding Management Strategies for Cows in Automated Milking Systems Research Article
         Evaluating strategies to improve the feeding management of dairy cows housed in automated milking systems
Refresher on photoperiod management of cows and heifers - B. Laarveld
Dry cow treatment - Christopher Luby
Monitoring TMR particle size - Tim Mutsvangwa

6th Annual Dairy Info Day - January 26, 2017

Dairy Info Day Proceedings

Calf disease protocols diarrhea and vaccination - Chris Luby
Carbon Tax - Tristan Skolrud
Gut development in the calf - pre-weaning vs post-weaning - Michael Steele
New concept in treatment of mastitis infections in dairy cattle - Meena Sakharkar
Extended lactations - Greg Penner and Tim Mutsvangwa
Problems with low milk butterfat test – Tim Mutsvangwa
Rayner Update - Morgan Hobin
Synchronizing heifers - Dinesh Dadharwal
Fusarium and ergot presence in feed grains, practical implications – Barry Blakley, Vanessa Cowan, Taylor Grusie, John McKinnon, and Jaswant Singh
Update on toxicity of ergot and fusarium for animals and humans – Natacha Hogan
Use of automated calf feeders – Michael Steele, Jeffrey Rushen, and Anne Marie de Passillé

3rd Annual Dairy Info Day - January 30, 2014

Dairy Info Day Proceedings

Cows Going Lame - Dr. Chris Clark
Mycotoxins - Tom Scott
Ergot Toxicity in Cattle - Dr. Chris Clark
Health Concerns of Ergot and Mycotoxins in the Human Food Supply - Dr. Natacha Hogan
How Fast Can the Rumen Adapt to Concentrate - Brittney Schurmann, Matthew Walpole, Pawel Górka and Gregory Penner
Importance of Water Quality - Andrew Olkowski
Intro to Corn Growing in Saskatchewan - Jamie Gruza
Manure Technologies - B. Laarveld and A. Olkowski
The Importance of Case Studies in Training Dairy Science Students - Tim Mutsvangwa and Matt Walpole
Update on Canola Meal Cluster Research - Matt Walpole, Kiran Doranalli, and Tim Mutsvangwa
Update on the Forage Project - Dave Christensen and Jayakrishnan Nair
What is Causing Mastitis in my Herd - Christopher Luby
Yellow Seeded and Brown Seeded Canola Meal - Katerina Theodoridou and Peqiang Yu